- Suka tak kalau orang teka umur anda lebih muda dari usia sebenar?
- Apa yang anda rasa jika orang meneka umur kita tua dari usia kita sebenar?
Mana satu yang kita ingin orang kenali kita? Macam saya hari tu di mata suami, memang syukur sangat cikgu lelaki tu xsangka saya ada 2oang ank....Si suami pun senyum panjang:) Jadi yang pasti kita ketahui sekarang, sebagai seorang manusia biasa dan wanita pastinya kita hendak tampil muda, cantik walaupun usia kita dah meningkat tua. Maka sekarang, kita perlu membantu diri kita tidak tua sebelum tiba masanya. Bila suami tengok pun nampak muda seperti remaja atau anak dara walaupun anak dah berderet-deret.
Nak bantu elak dari penuaan dan kekal muda bole kita cuba ambil kolagen shaklee yang dapat memberi kesan HEBAT pada diri kita.
Fungsi Kolagen Shaklee Untuk Muka terutama nya Anti Aging
- Hydroxyprolin : dapat memberi kekuatan dan keanjaaln pada tisu dan tulang
- Glisin : dapat melembapkan kulit
- Alanin, prolin dan Asparagin : menstabilkan struktur, melembap, menegang dan menganjalkan kulit lntas mengekalkan kulit antik serta menghalang penuaan
credit info Tenatang Tanda-tanda penuaan yang kita perlu tahu
- kulit kusam
- tiada seri
- kulit kedut dan mula kendur
- pigmentasi kulit
- cepat rasa letih dan lesu
Shaklee Collagen Power mudah larut dengan minuman dan makanan kegemaran anda. Setiap hidangan di pek di dalam uncang untuk memudahkan anda menggunakannya secara segera pada bila-bila masa dan di mana saja.
Anda sendiri yang lebih mengenali siapa diri anda. Jika anda rasa ada tanda-tanda tersebut dari segi penuaan atau yang belu ada, nak mengurangkan tanda-tanda tersebut sebelum masa tiba, Anda MESTI dapatkan Shaklee Collagen Powder. Untuk lebih hebat, Promosi untuk bulan ini????? PROMOSI HEBAT, HARGA PUN RUNTUH DAN TERSANGAT HEBAT.......Dapatkan VIVIX Shaklee penyelesaian yang sama dan untuk kelihatan lebih hebat dan rasa lebih muda.
Apa yang saya tahu....oran yang sudah berusia tau mempunyai penyakit kritikal sangat sesuai consume Vivis ini.....Sebotol Vivix (150ml) ini mampu bertahan dalam sebulan sebab di ambil satu sudu teh sehari.
Ini antara Q&A mengenai Vivix.
Q. What is Vivix™?A. Vivix is a patent-pending, powerful, and exclusive polyphenol blend with ingredients shown in laboratory research to positively impact four key mechanisms of cellular aging, including helping to protect and repair DNA damage, positively influencing genetic regulators of cellular longevity, promoting mitochondrial energy production, and slowing formation of AGE proteins.
Q. When should I take Vivix?
A. Take Vivix daily, preferably with a meal such as breakfast or lunch. Shake well before taking the recommended serving of one teaspoon per day.
Q. Can I take more than one teaspoon per day?
A. According to the latest research, there does not appear to be any added benefit from taking more than the recommended serving of one teaspoon per day.
Q. Can I use Vivix with my other Shaklee supplements?
A. Vivix can be taken with all Shaklee dietary supplements. Ideally, Vivix should be taken with Vitalizer™, NutriFeron®, and Cinch™ Shakes as an excellent daily complement to healthy lifestyle choices. The essential nutrients in Vitalizer, immune-system-supporting phytonutrients in Nutriferon, and muscle-mass-protecting protein in Cinch Shakes, together with the polyphenols in Vivix deliver broad spectrum anti-aging support to your wellness plan for a healthier life.
Q. Who would benefit from Vivix?
A. Any adult concerned with cellular aging and optimal well-being.* Vivix is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, or anyone younger than 18 years old.
Q. What is resveratrol?
A. A natural antioxidant compound found in some plants, fruits, seeds, grapes, and grape-derived products such as red wine. Resveratrol is a polyphenol that has been found to potentially improve health and well-being in laboratory studies from around the globe. In addition, emerging laboratory research has found that resveratrol fights cellular aging. These studies also found that resveratrol activates genetic regulators of cellular longevity pathways, which may have positive effects on DNA, cellular health, and metabolism.
Q. How much resveratrol does Vivix provide?
A. Vivix delivers 100 mg of resveratrol per serving. The resveratrol extract has a natural resveratrol content of 98% and the amount of resveratrol in Vivix is guided by the latest scientific studies and emerging research. Vivix goes beyond resveratrol by combining it with a patent pending blend of additional polyphenols made from the only grape in nature with an extra chromosome. Laboratory studies have found that this unique combination is able to positively impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging and is 10 times more effective than resveratrol alone in slowing AGE protein formation.
Q. What are polyphenols?
A. Polyphenols are a group of phytochemicals that are plant-derived compounds with both potential antioxidant and cellular anti-aging benefits. In fact, emerging research has reported that polyphenols may elicit multiple biological effects consistent with sustained and improved human health.
Q. Is Vivix an antioxidant product?
A. Vivix has polyphenol ingredients that have been shown in laboratory studies to positively impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging and therefore goes well beyond providing antioxidant support.
Q. Is Vivix a juice beverage and how does it compare to juice products being sold today?
A. No, Vivix is an exclusive, concentrated liquid tonic dietary supplement that delivers the purest form of resveratrol and a highly potent polyphenol extract created from the only grape in nature with an extra chromosome. This unique blend of polyphenols includes ingredients that have been shown in laboratory studies to fight key mechanisms of cellular aging.Each serving of Vivix delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 100 glasses of red wine.
Q. Does Vivix contain alcohol?
A. Vivix does not contain alcohol.
Q. What is the shelf life of Vivix?
A. The shelf life is nine months.
Q. Why do I need to refrigerate after opening?
A. Refrigeration after opening will help to maintain optimal freshness, color, and maximum polyphenol activity in the product. Refrigerate unopened bottles as well.
Q. Why isn’t the product shipped under refrigeration?
A. Extensive testing, including actual shipments throughout the country and simulated transportation under extreme temperature and humidity conditions, has confirmed that the highest quality product is maintained under all shipping conditions to which the product will be exposed.
Q. What is Vivix™?
Q. When should I take Vivix?
A. Take Vivix daily, preferably with a meal such as breakfast or lunch. Shake well before taking the recommended serving of one teaspoon per day.
Q. Can I take more than one teaspoon per day?
A. According to the latest research, there does not appear to be any added benefit from taking more than the recommended serving of one teaspoon per day.
Q. Can I use Vivix with my other Shaklee supplements?
A. Vivix can be taken with all Shaklee dietary supplements. Ideally, Vivix should be taken with Vitalizer™, NutriFeron®, and Cinch™ Shakes as an excellent daily complement to healthy lifestyle choices. The essential nutrients in Vitalizer, immune-system-supporting phytonutrients in Nutriferon, and muscle-mass-protecting protein in Cinch Shakes, together with the polyphenols in Vivix deliver broad spectrum anti-aging support to your wellness plan for a healthier life.
Q. Who would benefit from Vivix?
A. Any adult concerned with cellular aging and optimal well-being.* Vivix is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, or anyone younger than 18 years old.
Q. What is resveratrol?
A. A natural antioxidant compound found in some plants, fruits, seeds, grapes, and grape-derived products such as red wine. Resveratrol is a polyphenol that has been found to potentially improve health and well-being in laboratory studies from around the globe. In addition, emerging laboratory research has found that resveratrol fights cellular aging. These studies also found that resveratrol activates genetic regulators of cellular longevity pathways, which may have positive effects on DNA, cellular health, and metabolism.
Q. How much resveratrol does Vivix provide?
A. Vivix delivers 100 mg of resveratrol per serving. The resveratrol extract has a natural resveratrol content of 98% and the amount of resveratrol in Vivix is guided by the latest scientific studies and emerging research. Vivix goes beyond resveratrol by combining it with a patent pending blend of additional polyphenols made from the only grape in nature with an extra chromosome. Laboratory studies have found that this unique combination is able to positively impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging and is 10 times more effective than resveratrol alone in slowing AGE protein formation.
Q. What are polyphenols?
A. Polyphenols are a group of phytochemicals that are plant-derived compounds with both potential antioxidant and cellular anti-aging benefits. In fact, emerging research has reported that polyphenols may elicit multiple biological effects consistent with sustained and improved human health.
Q. Is Vivix an antioxidant product?
A. Vivix has polyphenol ingredients that have been shown in laboratory studies to positively impact the four key mechanisms of cellular aging and therefore goes well beyond providing antioxidant support.
Q. Is Vivix a juice beverage and how does it compare to juice products being sold today?
A. No, Vivix is an exclusive, concentrated liquid tonic dietary supplement that delivers the purest form of resveratrol and a highly potent polyphenol extract created from the only grape in nature with an extra chromosome. This unique blend of polyphenols includes ingredients that have been shown in laboratory studies to fight key mechanisms of cellular aging.Each serving of Vivix delivers the equivalent amount of resveratrol found in 100 glasses of red wine.
Q. Does Vivix contain alcohol?
A. Vivix does not contain alcohol.
Q. What is the shelf life of Vivix?
A. The shelf life is nine months.
Q. Why do I need to refrigerate after opening?
A. Refrigeration after opening will help to maintain optimal freshness, color, and maximum polyphenol activity in the product. Refrigerate unopened bottles as well.
Q. Why isn’t the product shipped under refrigeration?
A. Extensive testing, including actual shipments throughout the country and simulated transportation under extreme temperature and humidity conditions, has confirmed that the highest quality product is maintained under all shipping conditions to which the product will be exposed.
* These statement have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Penghantaran Shaklee Miri, Sarawak, dan Malaysia
Untuk maklumat lanjut untuk keahlian/pembelian produk atau jana pendapatan dari rumah boleh berhubung dengan kami melalui Email: farshanna29@gmail.com Call/ Whatsapp: 010-7942058
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